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Promoting education and intercultural exchange: The remarkable UNESCO Summer Camp in Frederick, Maryland

July 28, 2023 - In his closing speech, His Excellency Ambassador Kitoko Gâta of Chad eloquently reminded participants to take home the knowledge and experiences gained during the Summer Camp. He urged them to become agents of positive change, inspiring their communities and countries to strive for excellence, understanding, and cooperation.

The Summer Camp also provided an opportunity to explore the power of religious tolerance and humanitarian aid in the context of the refugee crisis. The Chadian delegation engaged in meaningful discussions with Rabbi Cooper Abraham, fostering mutual understanding and strengthening ties between different communities.
As participants return to their respective homes, they carry a shared sense of purpose, compassion, and a quest for peace. Armed with the new knowledge and experiences acquired, they are now ready to become catalysts for positive transformation within their societies.
The success of the Summer Camp would not have been possible without the dedicated organizers, teachers, and staff of Hood College. Their unwavering commitment ensured that every aspect of the camp was enriching and memorable.
Finally, we express our deep gratitude to UNESCO for their partnership that made this Summer Camp possible. Together, we have created a platform that highlights the importance of international cooperation, mutual understanding, and peace to shape a better world for all.
As we bid farewell to this year's Summer Camp, we eagerly look forward to the next one.


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