Législation minière
The mining sector in Chad is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Petroleum. Which has several divisions, and of various companies under the control of the state. The ministry that oversees minerals activities is the General Direction, which itself has three components:
Petroleum : Direction du Pétrole (oil petroleum)
Energy: Direction des Énergies
Mining and geology: Direction des Mines et de la Géologie
The Direction des Mines et de la Géologie (DMG) has a multifunctional role: it manages and implements Chad’s mineral resources policy, manages the mining sector oversees the exploration and mining activities and develops strategies for the development of the mining sector.
DMG has four departments (Services)
Geology: Service Geological
Mines: Service of Mines
Laboratory: Laboratoire d’Analyses Géochimiques
Documentation division
The DMG also serves as a host organisation for partners whether they are private or represent international aid organisations or national co-operation organisations.
Thanks to the support of UNDP, the DMG also serves as an intermediary for investor at present it is well equipped in vehicles and logistics support, a drill rig geochemical analytical laboratory (for soil and rocks) a petrography laboratory and a modern documentation and mapping department. Its personnel are trained in field prospection and exploration techniques and in data collection processing and interpretation which gives them the tools required to fulfil their mandate.